
Bombardopolis Non-organization ensures everyone can access clean and safe drinking water. Our organization believes that access to clean and safe drinking water is a fundamental human right. Through our projects, we’re working to ensure everyone has access to this basic necessity of life. Please consider supporting our work by donating, volunteering, or partnering with us. Together, we can make a difference in the world.

Our Projects
  1. Well drilling and maintenance: We partner with local communities to drill and maintain wells that provide clean and safe drinking water access. Our teams work with local staff to identify the best locations for drilling, install the wells, and ensure that they’re maintained and functioning correctly.

  2. Water filtration and purification systems: We work with local communities to install and maintain water filtration and purification systems. These systems remove contaminants from water sources and ensure the water is safe to drink. We also provide education and training on safe water practices to ensure communities use the systems effectively.

  3. Rainwater harvesting systems: In areas with limited access to groundwater sources, we work with communities to install and maintain rainwater harvesting systems. These systems collect and store rainwater for later use, providing a sustainable source of clean and safe drinking water.

  4. Community education and training: We provide education and training to communities on the importance of clean and safe drinking water, the impact of waterborne diseases, and ensuring access to clean water. We work with local partners to develop customized training programs that meet the specific needs of each community.

Join Us for the best of our community

Volunteering Experiences.

Are you passionate about ensuring that everyone has access to clean water? Do you want to make a difference and help people in need? If so, consider volunteering for a clean water campaign! Here’s what you can expect from a volunteer experience: